About me


I'm Madi. Founder and creator of Meraki Madi.

I love coffee dates, fairy tales, cuddling with my cat (if she allows it), and living a life of creativity and love.

Read more to find out the story behind me, your Rotterdam, Delft and The Hague Birth Photographer, Doula, and holistic health expert.

Meraki Madi was created from a need to reconnect - with myself and also with others. I had a desire to delve into what it really means to be happy.  Truly happy: With ourselves, our health, and our circumstances. 

I've always been creative, I get that from my family.  I have a grandma that painted portraits, and the other one making her own porcelain dolls and fluffy teddy bears.  A grandpa that always wanted to take photos with one of his many cameras.  My mom designs and makes dresses and my brother and sister always has a camera in close reach.  

My love for Human Biology started during my university days where I learned about how our bodies are put together and how everything inside us is connected. A bit later, in my late 20s, my love for Women's and Holistic Health came. This was when I realised that my entire life was being determined by my hormones.  


So, Meraki Madi is a composite of all that: It combines my desire to help people, and provide them with safety and calmness, with my love for biology and my creative passion.  

This is me. Attempting to live my fullest, most beautiful life through all the good times and the bad times. Connecting, creating, and focusing more on the things that I love.


Want to know more? I have so much to tell you about me as your Rotterdam, Delft and the Hague Birth Photographer and Doula
