Black and white close up photo of pregnant wife and husband with bellies facing each other.
in Pregnancy

Let’s Talk About Fertility

As a birth photographer and doula, babies and pregnancy are always at the forefront of my mind. I understand that many of my clients are on their own personal journeys toward parenthood, and whether you’ve just started trying for a baby or you’ve been on this path for a while, it’s always good to understand the various (and surprising) factors that can affect your fertility. I thought it was worth talking about some of them here, especially since some often fly under the radar.

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in Doula

Choosing Your Doula


You are a few months into your pregnancy. It’s been a rollercoaster of emotions.  You’ve told all your friends and family members.  The Pinterest board is filled with baby room ideas.  Your online shopping bag is full of the most adorable newborn clothing, and your Instagram feed has way more mommies and babies than it used to have.  Now, you have decided that you want a birthing doula, but how do you go about picking the right one for you?

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